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The Holiday Season is the Right Time for Employee Appreciation

Category: Press Release

Last Friday evening, we had our 50th anniversary/Shop Christmas party. It was great to celebrate with so many delayed events the past couple of years. It was an evening full of many laughs and prizes.

In this picture, the amount of talent and success is simply unexplainable. You are looking at over 300 years of utility and grading experience. These men shaped an industry, led the entire way, and taught us what it takes to be the best. Thank you for your stewardship.

Along with them, in attendance were numerous employees with over 20 and 30 years of service. We must also specifically recognize two of our employees, John Mutter and Bob McCarthy, each with 47 years of service. They have shown real commitment!

We are blessed to have such a tremendous team from all age groups who bring their “A” game every day. Because of these employees’ commitment, we are a market leader in our industry. Our team’s long-term success comes from generations of servant leadership. We will continue to grow, prosper, and win as a team. Thank you and Merry Christmas.